Okey-dokey… I’ve listed a couple items on etsy, posted photos on facebook… what else can I do with insomnia at 4 in the morning? Oh, blog!
Let’s continue the house tour.

Mommy's Little Couch Potatoes! This is our "Cowboy Room"... i'ts right off of the kitchen, and you can see the light from the doors that lead to the backyard... also, in the back corner is a half bath.

Toy storage! This is an odd photo, but it's one side of the closet in the Cowboy room! I *love* this closet!
And, that’s the end of the main level… Next, upstairs… Just a couple more before I will try to sleep again.
One last area…
Alright, back to bed for me! I will carry on the tour soon.
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