V is… well.. V is V.
He has his own very huge personality. There are times (many, many times) when we butt heads. There are times when he utterly wears me out. And there are times that his insight amazes me. There are times when he asks some very interesting questions (there are also times when he just asks a lot of questions!).
Today marked the end of soccer for Bean and Vin and Vin really enjoyed playing. At first he complained, in his typical Drama King style, but as the season went on he’d count the days down to his next game. After the game the kids were given certificates and a little bag of candy. While Bean was trying to figure out the quickest way to get all that sugar into her system, like the candy junkie that she is, Vin was saying goodbye to his friends and team mates. He went up to each of them and gave them a hug and told them that he’d miss them. And he wasn’t giving the toddler hug that you see.. He has the man hug down.. a little pat on the back and a “Dude” thrown in there.
I really love that kid.
He really is “something!” I remember all too well those head-butting, screaming, sulking days and how just the simplest little goofy comment from him can remind you why you love the kid so much 🙂
Can you believe that I have yet to get a call from his teacher?