I swear, I really am making an effort to get back in blogging shape. But, it seems that the deck is stacked against me these days… Our Internet is having issues at home. Right now I am blogging at a Dr.’s office.. (how cool is it that they have wi-fi?)
So, a huge thank you to all who helped us celebrate B’s birthday, both in person and through your greetings. I can safely say that he had a great birthday… And a slightly rough recovery the next day 🙂
What’s next?
That’s the question I am trying to answer. I am trying to figure it out on a really small scale as far as cleaning and chores around the house… I am also trying to figure it out on a larger scale… Do I want to keep working on growing a business? What are my other options?
Does everyone else have an annual mid-life crisis?
I think my biggest struggle is the fact that I am changing my identity… For the longest time I have been a foster mom….now what?
Youre an adoptive (right terminology?) mom 🙂 You still have the opportunity to educate, support, and share your experiences.
Thanks! You’re right… I just have a hard time with change.
I know 🙂 Just focus on the fact that who *you* are really hasnt changed. You still have a wonderful story to tell (and 4 kiddos to back it up!)