O.K. This really is one of my favorite parts of the process… we’re nearing adoption so it’s time to plan the party! But, this time around, I’m kind of at a loss. So, I need help!
Anyone have any ideas? Inspiration for me?
One of the things that I can work on right now is the announcement. As some of you know, I made the first two myself. For D & D I created a little crossword puzzle for the cover, and the inside was a fairly traditional announcement with their photo. For Ms. Bean I found magnets that I could print at home… they were duckies and butterflies and I think turned out great & were spot on for her age. But, I’m at a loss this time around. Should I do a photo card? Should I do just a very cool graphic? Any websites I should check out?
And what about the party…? Something fun for *everyone* is a must! It needs to be something that the adults will enjoy and the kids will dig, too.
I would really like to do a give away on here, but I have no clue what to give.. and I don’t know how I’d pick a winner. So, if anyone reads this (I’m hoping that one person does), give me some ideas!
Help a poor woman out here!
Maybe a redo of D&D’s party? Looked like everyone had a blast……
As for the announcements- Im blanking right now, but it definetely needs to be something that reflects his personality…..
Can you mix graphics with photos?
I think you should let the boys decorate the ouside of the card, maybe, and then take it to kinko’s for color copies to reproduce…
As far as the party goes, anything will be fun for the adults and kids love the bouncy castles.