You know how the first born kid has books upon books of photos & the next kid has maybe a handful? And if there are more than 3 kids, there is no chance for that last kid? Well, that’s sort of how I have been lately! I was so good about getting some photos of d up on this page and I got all misty posting them.
Well, I did the same for V. I combed through photos and got all misty again and was all set to share them, but it just never happened. The truth? Having a kid here 5 days a week is kicking my booty! But, one of the kiddos I watch is sick. And that gives me a little breathing room. So, I did what every SAHM to school aged kids should do. I relaxed! I slept in, I did my chores at a leisurely pace and I even spent a little time sewing! And now I have a little time to blog.
Our youngest son turned 10 last month. In fact, it’s nearly been a month since his birthday! V came to us at 20 months old. And he has been a surprise in so many ways… We never thought he’d be placed with us. We had a crib ready when he was born, but they didn’t remove him. So, we were shocked when they called a year and a half later asking if we knew he was in foster care. Then he showed up a couple months later with dark blonde hair and huge blue eyes. We thought they might have the wrong kid at the wrong place. But, it turns out he was in the perfect place. He was Grandpa David’s favorite grandkid… He is Mr. Popularity. He is stubborn and smart–maybe even a little too smart! He is the most loving and gentle kid. He has a soft heart, but does protect it. And he’s so very handsome.
Happy birthday to the Vinstigator!

Wasn’t he a doll?

My 3 boys the first day that the little dude was placed with us.

And now he’s a total ham!
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